Meal in a Bag at the Supermarket

by Julianne Seiber | Apr 13, 2022
| 1 Comment


Develop healthful, quick meal plans that can be available at the supermarket with all of the components and directions in a convenient place in the store. Load up your bag, check out, go home and have a healthy meal on the table in a half hour or lesss.

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Name your idea

Meal in a Bag at the Supermarket

Describe your idea

Develop healthful, quick meal plans that can be available at the supermarket with all of the components and directions in a convenient place in the store. Load up your bag, check out, go home and have a healthy meal on the table in a half hour or lesss.

How do you define your "community"?

Arden Hills/Roseville area (idea could be developed with a specific supermarket chain over the area they serve).

Tell us how you think the issue of obesity is affecting your community

It is taking a huge toll on the lives of people--their health, mobility, ability to be active, and ultimately their quality of life and lifespan.

Why should your idea be selected?

We need quick, easy meals that people can prepare at home. Not only could it be more nutritious, it would provide the opportunity for social connection among the people in the family, especially important for children.

Martina Yusay said: That's a great idea! I know this will be marketable and I hope your entry gonna win. - Sandra Dyche about this Competition Entry. - 964 days ago read more >

Julianne Seiber updated this Competition Entry. - 2192 days ago

Julianne Seiber submitted this idea. - 2210 days ago