Michelle’s House, named in honor of our First Lady, Michelle Obama

by Laurel Wills | Apr 09, 2022
| 1 Comment


My idea, Michelle’s House, consists of a network of nutrition-focused community-based houses, modeled after the Ronald McDonald House network, where children challenged by obesity and their families can enroll and stay for up to 2-3 days, or just participate in day-program offerings. Curriculum for group and individual work will include pragmatic tips on healthful grocery shopping, meal/food preparation and storage, kitchen pantry organization, as well as accessing free or inexpensive options for exercise and physical activity. The program will be staffed by community health workers, who will also make home visits, and consulting public health nurses, nutritionists, and medical providers, as needed. Participants will have tracking of weight, height, body mass index, and vital signs. Funding will be secured via a public-private partnership between the MN Dept of Health, insurers, and private companies with an interest in or known for promotion of healthful lifestyles and weight management, such as Subway Restaurants, Lifetime Fitness, Bally’s, etc. The MN Idea Open grant money will be used for planning, networking, and piloting one such community program at an existing location, such as a community center, with kitchen and family room facilities, until "brick and mortar" funds can be generated.

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United States, MN, Hennepin County




United States, MN, Hennepin County



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Name your idea

Michelle’s House, named in honor of our First Lady, Michelle Obama

Describe your idea

My idea, Michelle’s House, consists of a network of nutrition-focused community-based houses, modeled after the Ronald McDonald House network, where children challenged by obesity and their families can enroll and stay for up to 2-3 days, or just participate in day-program offerings. Curriculum for group and individual work will include pragmatic tips on healthful grocery shopping, meal/food preparation and storage, kitchen pantry organization, as well as accessing free or inexpensive options for exercise and physical activity. The program will be staffed by community health workers, who will also make home visits, and consulting public health nurses, nutritionists, and medical providers, as needed. Participants will have tracking of weight, height, body mass index, and vital signs. Funding will be secured via a public-private partnership between the MN Dept of Health, insurers, and private companies with an interest in or known for promotion of healthful lifestyles and weight management, such as Subway Restaurants, Lifetime Fitness, Bally’s, etc. The MN Idea Open grant money will be used for planning, networking, and piloting one such community program at an existing location, such as a community center, with kitchen and family room facilities, until "brick and mortar" funds can be generated.

How do you define your "community"?

I define my community as both my people and physical surroundings and all the infrastructure that holds it all together: my family and friends, co-workers, local neighborhood, school, church, shops, public works. I also define community as those who might need my help, or whom I would look to in a time of need. I perceive multiple layers to my community in concentric circles of influence on me and my family.

Tell us how you think the issue of obesity is affecting your community

Obesity is having a profound impact on our community in terms of the burdens of ill health--physical and emotional health, and the true extent of the current obesity epidemic will be realized in future decades, unless this idea challenge is successful! What is most concerning to me is the disparity in statistics among demographic groups and the high prevalence of obesity in children, especially very young children.

Why should your idea be selected?

My idea should be selected because it will work, it employs and engages people in their own communities, it changes knowledge base, and allows for the opportunity to put new learning into practice, it provides the camaraderie that will support successful adherence to the program and maintenance of successes achieved by participants!

Martina Yusay said: Really? I know Michelle Obama is so overwhelmed now because lots of name to be given but her name was chosen. - Aldo Disorbo about this Competition Entry. - 949 days ago read more >

Laurel Wills updated this Competition Entry. - 2196 days ago

Laurel Wills submitted this idea. - 2196 days ago