MN River Map App

by Scott Kudelka | Jul 19, 2022
| 1 Comment


Like its website counterpart at, the MN River Map app will bring together information that had been accessible only by visiting numerous sites offering different pieces to create a whole picture of what is happening on the river and its tributaries. The mobile version of the map will make all this information available in real time to people who are out exploring the Minnesota River Basin and learning about the issues affecting this important water resource.

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Organization: Water Resources Center, Minnesota State Mankato Visit websitemore ↓↑ hide↑ hide

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United States, MN, Blue Earth County



About Your Organization

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Water Resources Center, Minnesota State Mankato

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Your Idea

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Name your idea

MN River Map App

Describe how you would use $15,000 to help your community become aware of and address water issues in Minnesota.

Awareness and appreciation for one’s natural environment are the first, crucial steps in becoming actively involved in efforts to improve it. We will use $15,000 to produce a tool to help natural resource professionals, seasoned river lovers, and especially newcomers learn about the Minnesota River and ways they can make it better, and ensure a safe environment for recreational users. The app will be the next step in a recently reinvigorated effort to restore the Minnesota River. The process started with the production of the film documentary River Revival: Working Together to Save the Minnesota River that appeared in prime time on KARE 11 TV on June 12, 2011, and the launching of the revised and expanded MN River Basin Data Center website operated by the Water Resources Center (WRC) at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

The MN River Map App will greatly enhance the experience of people who are out exploring the Minnesota River Basin and enable users to share in real-time their discoveries and concerns with others. The app, which will operate on smart phones, will be a mobile version of the interactive map that appears on – the main information portal for the Minnesota River Basin. The WRC serves as a regional center for environmental research and information exchange, providing coordination for the two citizen groups (Minnesota River Board and Minnesota River Watershed Alliance) to bring attention to the basin. Users will be able to identify watershed boundaries… locate water access points and other public spaces… monitor real-time river conditions… all in a familiar Google Map interface. They will be able to learn and understand water issues affecting the state’s namesake river along with sharing what they discover. Users will be able to post stories, photos, videos and much more on the app. Importantly, the app will make it easy for users to access current water-flow conditions to help make decisions for paddling rivers in the basin.

How do you define your "community"?. How are water issues affecting your community?

A broad range of people already are involved in the effort to restore and protect the Minnesota River. This includes paddlers, farmers, anglers, government staff, elected officials, American Indian communities, schools and universities, nonprofit organizations and citizens of all ages. The MN River Map App will be useful to all these community members and enable us to expand our community to include thousands more people who have not yet become involved in helping restore the Minnesota River.

The Minnesota River Basin comprises about 20% of the State of Minnesota. Over 700,000 (2000 Census Estimate) people live in the Minnesota River Basin along with many more who travel through the area and work here. This basin is also part of the larger Mississippi River Basin from its confluence with the Minnesota River to Lake Pepin with the 2.8 million people who make their home in the Metro Area (2008 Estimate).

The river and its tributaries are used as receiving bodies of water for the drainage of agricultural lands, industrial facilities, treated wastewater, and urban storm water. As a result, the Minnesota River is one of the most polluted rivers in the state and even the nation, as it negatively impacts the Mississippi River all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Impairments of the Minnesota River and its tributaries include phosphorus, sediment, nitrogen, and fecal coliform bacteria. Despite the pollution, the Minnesota River and its tributaries are used recreationally for fishing, canoeing, bird watching, and community events such as the Franklin Catfish Derby, Montevideo’s River Rendezvous, and New Ulm’s River Blast. A restored Minnesota River would immeasurably enhance these recreational opportunities for residents and visitors.


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Describe how your idea is creative.

Like its website counterpart at, the MN River Map app will bring together information that had been accessible only by visiting numerous sites offering different pieces to create a whole picture of what is happening on the river and its tributaries. The mobile version of the map will make all this information available in real time to people who are out exploring the Minnesota River Basin and learning about the issues affecting this important water resource.


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Describe how how you expect your idea to make a difference in your community.

Like its website counterpart at, the MN River Map app will bring together information that had been accessible only by visiting numerous sites offering the different pieces to create a whole picture of what is happening. The mobile version of the map will make all this information available in real time to people who are out exploring the Minnesota River Basin and learning in real time the issues affecting this important water resource.

Sustainability and Growth

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Describe how your idea will "stick" in your community and how you think it could be repeated in other communities.

The usefulness of the MN River Map app, and the Water Resource Center’s ability to keep it up-to-date, will give the app staying power. Moreover, the technology behind the map can easily be applied to other watersheds in Minnesota and throughout the world. As a public institution, the Water Resources Center at Minnesota State University Mankato -- in cooperation with other academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies -- will share the technological resources required to adapt the map to other watersheds.

Maria Lynette said: Interesting to read about this app. The emergence of various apps takes the mobile applications development to the next level. it has ... about this Competition Entry. - 1023 days ago read more >

Scott Kudelka updated this Competition Entry. - 1774 days ago

Scott Kudelka submitted this idea. - 1774 days ago